Sunday, October 11, 2009

Biggest mistakes in web design

1) One of the largest, if not the largest point of the article was to focus not on your own design preferences, but the user’s preferences. Flanders says that the website should be geared totally towards the user and any difficulties or dislikes the user has of the website will only result in them leaving the page you have designed. If the website is not usable and functional, then it has absolutely no purpose to the user, according to Flanders.

2) The article has many significant points. One of those points was the functionality and usability of the site. If the site does not function quickly and without problems, then it is useless to the users and they will find a new, better and more efficient site. Another major point was the importance of text on the website. If the text is too small the user may leave the site, if the color of the text does not contrast well with the background of the page the use may leave the site, and if graphics are used in place of text, users will most likely get confused and leave the site. The next major point pertains to the content of the site. The site needs great content or “Heroin content” in Flander’s words. Sites such as and have great content. Users enjoy using the sites because they are important and useful to them primarily due to the content.

3) My list of important webpage design factors:

1) Content

2) Functionality

3) Conciseness

4) Solves my problems

The content of a website is very important, if the content is useless to everyone and has no meaning, then people have no need to visit the website. If the website does not function well, has slow loading large images, and the links don’t travel to the appropriate place, then the website will become frustrating and another site can do the job better. The site also needs to be concise, taken three pages to explain each little task or product is unnecessary and will only lead users to other, less verbose pages. Finally a website needs to solve problems. When I want to look up a somewhat obscure topic, Wikipedia helps me out. If it did a poor job of this then the user would not use the page and it would not be as popular as it is.

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